On the confected outrage over THAT t-shirt

Grace Tame knows the value of publicity. It's what makes her such a damn good activist and advocate. She was awarded the 2021 Australian of the Year for her work campaigning for survivors of child sex abuse and removing the Tasmanian 'gag' laws that enabled her abuser to get away with child sex abuse for years. She concluded her 2021 acceptance speech with the words: "Hear me now. Using my voice, amongst a growing chorus of voices that will not be silenced. Let's make some noise, Australia." Ms Tame is still making noise and more power to her for doing so. Her appearance at the Australia Day morning tea with the Prime Minister, his fiancée and various other invited dignitaries, wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the words Fuck Murdoch caused a sensation. Good. That's precisely what she intended. Predictably, reactions to her appearance have been somewhat over the top, with words like "controversial" and "sensational" being thrown arou...