Episode 5: In which we summon the ghosts of garbage past

Question: what do this city (top right) and this 1930s garbage incinerator (bottom right) have in common? Answer: their designer. Yes, the same husband and wife architect team that designed Canberra, Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin, also designed the garbage incinerator that was constructed at Pyrmont in Sydney in the 1930s to solve a mounting and very smelly problem. Let’s go back a few years … The earliest garbage tip in Sydney was Moore Park: to be precise, the current playing fields of Sydney Boys’ High. The debris and detritus of the growing urban area was dumped at Moore Park, periodically burnt to control odour and vermin, and was largely out of sight and out of mind. Unless you happened to live or work in the vicinity. In about 1900 an outbreak of bubonic plague meant the City of Sydney administrators suddenly needed to improve the city’s sanitation in a big hurry. The first step to help contain the growing problem of waste disposal was an incinerator at the...