Episode 9: In which we confront some nasty truths about our technology habit

We can hide it, pretend it will go away, throw a tablecloth over it and pretend it’s not an elephant, but we can’t escape the fact that our technology habit is trashing the planet. That gaming system that was so hot last year but is now just so last year? The mobile phone now superseded by a brand new smart phone? The 3-year old flat screen TV that had to go to make way for the new plasma HD? Computers, monitors, MP3s, PDAs, netbooks, notebooks, digital cameras, printers, copiers, digital photo frames – all consumer electronics, in fact, up to and including large household appliances. E-waste is the most pressing waste management challenge we face. E-waste is classified as hazardous waste. It contains numerous heavy metals and toxic materials including lead, mercury, cadmium, cobalt, arsenic, lithium, chromium VI, chlorofluorocarbons, nickel and asbestos. It also contains valuable and recoverable metals such as gold, silver and copper, as well as a lot of plastics. It will never b...