Local government can (& should) lead climate action

My friend Bill is standing for election in this year’s NSW local government elections. Bill is a teacher, musician and wildlife hero who runs, alongside his long-suffering wife Lesley, a wombat refuge. Bill is on call 24/7 for injured wildlife. He and Les typically care for dozens of wombats on their refuge, ranging from tiny pinkies rescued from the pouches of road-killed mothers, through to adults being treated and rehabilitated prior to release back to the bush. We’re talking a lot of wombats here. Bill also has a weekly radio program on the local FM station where he interviews a local person on various topical issues. Apparently all these commitments aren’t enough because now Bill wants to be a councillor. Is Bill bonkers? Probably, but that’s not the point. The point is climate change. Does local government have a role in taking climate action and how can one elected council representative make a difference? Let’s go back a few decades … From ...