Vale Florence: on the demise of a valued household member

Florence est morte . Alas, poor Florence ... I came out to the living room yesterday morning to find Florence, my resident huntsman (huntsperson?) spider in her usual position high on the wall above the bookcase. But instead of her typical noble bearing with legs outstretched, her legs were curled in towards her body. She remained that way all day, and this morning, there was only her little corpse, curled up on the floor. I'll miss her. I hope she left some progeny in my house to continue her good work. Huntsman spiders are vastly underrated as household pets. They find their own food, don't wake you up at 2.00am because they need to go out, they're quiet and respectful of your personal space. They eat insects that might not be welcome in your house, small lizards, mice, birds, maybe the occasional chihuahua or other smallish dog breed ... They're also playful, in their own way, sometimes appearing unexpectedly from behind curtains or under cushions. If you're won...