
Showing posts from February, 2025

On the suburban scourge of black roofs

 Shades of non-colour are trendy at the moment. From cigarette-smoke grey to sepulchral black, non-colours appear everywhere. From where I sit now, I can see six parked cars and not one of them is an actual colour. But worse than this profusion of non-descript greys on the roads are the vast swathes of our suburban landscape given over to grey houses with black roofs, and to this I only have one thing to say: stop it! Stop it right now. Enough with the grey and black. And not just for aesthetic considerations, although that's reason enough. Our cities are urban heat sinks. As we cover up the natural landscape with houses, roads, airports, carparks, shopping malls, waste transfer stations, office blocks and so forth, we alter the landscape's natural ability to cool itself down. The built environment absorbs heat quickly and retains it for longer than the natural environment. After a very hot day the road will still be warm to the touch long after sunset, as will the western wall...

On naming and owning the scary monster: DEI and its opponents

In the coming months leading up to this year’s federal election, we’re going to hear a lot about this shady animal called “DEI”. We’re going to hear this because Peter Dutton will be singing from the Trump songsheet, and the Trump songsheet mentions DEI a lot. It casts DEI as something that people should avoid, be scared of and stamp out in their workplaces and society more generally. What is DEI and why is it the new scary monster on the block? DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. These are very positive steps towards a fully functioning society where everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential. By turning it into an acronym, however, the terms are stripped of their meaning, they are no longer words, and words are everything. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is not, as its knee-jerk opponents will have you believe, a sneaky way of employing unqualified people ahead of qualified people simply on the basis of their being in a minority group. It is not favouring...

On hiding Barnaby

Cartoon: Matt Golding It seems the Nationals plan to "hide" former leader and serial drongo, Barnaby Joyce, for this year's election campaign, restricting him to campaigning within the boundaries of his electorate. Clearly, Barnaby has become a party liability, although his popularity in his rural heartland remains high. Mind you, restricting Barnaby to New England still means he has a lot of ground to cover. It's the twelfth largest federal electorate by area and covers a vast swathe of central west and northern New South Wales.  Of course, the Nats could hide Barnaby permanently by just disendorsing him. Find themselves a candidate who won't embarrass the party by getting pissed and passing out on the footpath in the middle of Canberra or knocking up a junior staffer while trumpeting CFV*. Ah, yes. Good old CFV. The public fallback position for all conservative pollies while they're privately pursuing anything but. They roll it out regularly in order to poi...

On the confected outrage over THAT t-shirt

  Grace Tame knows the value of publicity. It's what makes her such a damn good activist and advocate. She was awarded the 2021 Australian of the Year for her work campaigning for survivors of child sex abuse and removing the Tasmanian 'gag' laws that enabled her abuser to get away with child sex abuse for years. She concluded her 2021 acceptance speech with the words: "Hear me now. Using my voice, amongst a growing chorus of voices that will not be silenced. Let's make some noise, Australia." Ms Tame is still making noise and more power to her for doing so. Her appearance at the Australia Day morning tea with the Prime Minister, his fiancĂ©e and various other invited dignitaries, wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the words Fuck Murdoch caused a sensation. Good. That's precisely what she intended. Predictably, reactions to her appearance have been somewhat over the top, with words like "controversial" and "sensational" being thrown arou...